HONOR the Past; SERVE the Present; PROVIDE for the Future: Blessed Trinity Capital Campaign

NEW Project Update coming SOON!

as of OCTOBER 21, 2024: 
We have reached $396,306
or 99.4% of the $398,728 pledged. 
65% of parish households have responded thus far. 

65 Parish Households are participating who have not made a formal commitment.  Thus far, those household have contributed $68,000. THANK YOU!
(Capital Campaign began on March 7, 2020).


Click for July 21 2024 “PROJECT” Update

at February 8, 2024 FULL PARISH GATHERING

Click for AGENDA Full Parish Gathering February 8 2024

Pray for the Campaign by the light of the Blessed Candle received on the Feast of the Presentation, February 2, 2020:  Click for the PRAYER: “Tree of Life, Awesome Mystery–come enflame our hearts…”  Pray this prayer daily–one portion each day.

Click for Feb 4 2020 LETTER from Fr. Hislop and Gary Weisbrich, Campaign Chair inviting all to full parish gathering on Sunday February 9 following 10:00 Mass

CAMPAIGN FOLLOW-UP LETTER MAILED JUNE 23, 2020 to those who have not yet been able to participate:

Click for the CAPITAL CAMPAIGN BOOKLET, provided at the Full Parish Meeting and mailed to all who could not attend.

PLANNING TEAMS are in the process of being “formulated.” 
(Due to Covid Pandemic this process has been delayed.)

Click for the Planning Sub-committee teams BOOKLET.
Here you will find a description of each of the Planning Teams.

CLICK for Blessed Trinity Capital Campaign QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 

CAMPAIGN COMMITMENT ENVELOPES WERE MAILED TO EACH PARISH HOUSEHOLD ON MARCH 3, 2020.  Opportunity to respond during Mass on the Sundays of LENT beginning on the Second Sunday, March 8.
CLICK for the Blessed Trinity 2020 Capital Campaign INTENTION Form/ Envelope.  THANK YOU.

Honor the Past; Serve the Present; Provide for the Future:

Click for the HOMILY Second Sunday of LENT March 8 2020,
It is good that we are here, but do not tell of the vision until you make it real.”

Click for Reflection During the Homily, March 1 2020
Daniel Hampson, Capital Campaign Team

Click for the HOMILY, First Sunday of LENT, March 1,2020.  “The image is striking:  God the artist shaping, molding, crafting, breathing…”

Click for the HOMILY Seventh Sunday Ordinary time, February 23 2020- “Do you not know that you are the Temple of God.”  “We look upon this work with the eyes of faith.”

Click for Reflection during the Homily February 16 2020: Carolina Bridges, Pastoral Council Liaison to Strategic Planning Team and Capital Campaign TeamBridges

Click for the HOMILY-Sixth Sunday Ordinary time, February 16 2020: If you choose-If you trust, “Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’

Click for Reflection at Mass, February 9, 2020: Joseph Licitra, Chair Strategic Planning Team

Click for the HOMILY February 9, 2020:  Here, in this house, the words of the Prophet Isaiah ring true.  The House for the Church itself must inspire, transform and renew the vision

Click for the HOMILY-The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple:  The House for the Church, The Temple in this Place:  Honor the Past, Serve the Present, Provide for the Future

Click for Reflection During the Homily: Gary Weisbrich, Chair Blessed Trinity Capital Campaign Team-January 26 2020

Click for the HOMILY January 26, 2020:  “We begin today the good work for which we have so long prepared.”  Introducing the Blessed Trinity CAPITAL CAMPAIGN

Where we have been?
How did we

UPDATE April 24, 2020:  Installation of the LIGHTING spot lights has begun.  The regular lighting fixtures have not yet arrived.  We are awaiting ONE sample, to make certain the lights are what we want and that the “light temperture” (i.e. the color of the light) is appropriate.
Click on the following Links….

Click: UPDATE… January 5 2020 MaintainRenewImagine

UPDATE… CAPITAL CAMPAIGN for the Blessed Trinity project is scheduled to begin in WINTER 2020, as we HONOR THE PAST, SERVE THE PRESENT and PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE.  Capital Campaign Team: Gary Weisbrich (Chair); Pat Wegner (Strategic Planning Team); Hans Zuring (Finance Council); Louise Yamasaki; Carolina Bridges (Pastoral Council); Jim McDonald (Parish Financial Services); Staff:  Daniel Hampson, S. Mary Jo Quinn, Fr. Ed Hislop
UPDATE… November 2019 LIGHTING ….The Lighting project has been DELAYED.  The Lighting fixtures received were not acceptable.  New fixtures, with the proper “light temperature” will be reviewed and tested before installation.  As of March 1, 2020 the review continues.
March 3, 2020 UPDATE:  Diocese of Helena Real Estate agents are in the process of negotiating the LAND SALE with prospective buyer.
February 2020: Appraisals have been completed. WGM has completed the boundary line re-location and re-zoning of the entire property in preparation for the possible sale of Blessed Trinity excess land. The proposed information has been submitted to the City of Missoula.  Zoning change notification has been mailed by the City to neighborhood residents.   
Two neighborhood meetings (one at Blessed Trinity) have been held in December 2019.  Additional meetings will be held in January 2020, with the City Zoning and Planning Board and the City Council. CITY OF MISSOULA HAS APPROVED THE PROPOSED ZONE CHANGES. Updates will be published regularly in the BULLETIN.
THANKS to all who participated!!

prepared by Mr. Ken Griesemer, Liturgical Design Consultant
November 2014

PowerPoint Presentations at the SEVEN FULL PARISH MEETINGS
(Click on each date)
*7 MRI PowerPoint March 24 2019
*6 MRI PowerPoint November 18 2018
*5 MRI PowerPoint March 11 2018
*4 MRI PowerPoint January 28 2018
*3 MRI PowerPoint March 26 2017
*2 MRI PowerPoint January 22 2017
Power Point Presentation April 2015.

This presentation was also presented to the Diocese of Helena Building and renovation Commission and Bishop Thomas.  Following that gathering Blessed Trinity was encouraged to move forward.

Click for REPORT of March 27 2019 Full Parish Gathering
Click for Blessed Trinity March 24 2019 Full Parish Gathering PowerPoint Presentation
Click for AGENDA-Full Parish Gathering March 24 2019  
60 parishioners participated.

A FULL PARISH MEETING was held on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 18, 2018 following 10:00 am Mass.. 70 persons participated.
Click here for the POWERPOINT Presentation at the November 18 2018 GATHERING

The FULL PARISH MEETING was held SUNDAY MARCH 11 2018 following 10:00 am Mass. 63 persons participated.
Click for the POWERPOINT Presentation given at the Mar 11 2018 gathering.

FULL PARISH MEETING on Sunday January 28 2018. Over 60 parishioners participated.
This includes an overview of our planning process thus far; and cost estimates of proposed plans.
NOTES from the January 28 2018 FULL PARISH GATHERING

NEXT FULL PARISH MEETING SUNDAY MARCH 11 following 10:00 am Mass. Click here for DETAILS

SCROLL DOWN for more CURRENT Information/Reports.

Click for October 2014 Bulletin Article: Liturgical Design Consultant invited to Blessed Trinity

Click for  November 2014 Bulletin Article: Our Aging Parish Facilities Have Many Needs

Maintain-Renew-IMAGINE: Blessed Trinity SITE VISIT REPORT
Mr. Ken Griesemer, Liturgical Design Consultant (October 14, 2014)

April 26, 2015: Bulletin Announcement FULL PARISH MEETING reflecting on the SITE VISIT REPORT 2015

MaintainRenewIMAGINE: PowerPoint Presentation April 27 2015
This PowerPoint was presented to the Diocese of Helena Building and Renovation Commission and Bishop Thomas on May 5, 2015.  Approval from the Diocese and Bishop Thomas was given to move ahead with the planning process.

Click for MaintainRenewImagine PROGRESS TO DATE-September 13 2015 Bulletin

Click for announcement of FULL PARISH meeting with project Architect Carl Posewitz, January 24, 2016 following 10am Mass

Click for January 12, 2016 LETTER to Blessed Trinity Parishioners: Invitation to January 24 meeting with Architect and overview of process thus far

full_parish_meetings_note_webClick here to view the preliminary renderings presented at the September 25,  2016 Full Parish Meetings

CLICK for: What happened at the SUNDAY January 24 Full Parish Meeting with Architect Carl Posowitz.
+ Digital Renderings of Possible Entrance to Blessed Trinity (Jan. 24 2016)

CLICK for what happened at the SUNDAY February 28 2016 FULL PARISH MEETING with Architect Carl Posowitz.
+ Digital Images of February 28 2016 Presentation
In these images you will see a view of a renewed Blessed Trinity entry, parking and new plaza at the “imagined” new entrance, as well as a revised parking configuration.  Suggested “art glass” at the main “imagined” entrance; a “rendering” of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel-relocated; an idea for a Mary shrine; and reconfiguration of the office spaces; and a possible “redesign” of the kitchen (last rendering).

May 2016 Revised Digital Image of possible Entrance looking WEST from Eaton Street

May 2016 Revised Digital Image of Possible Entrance-looking SOUTH

gathertobecomewebTwo evening workshops to help us reflect on our current worship and the principles to be considered as we evaluate the space and prepare to design some possible improvements: July 20 & 27, 2016.  7-9pm

gatheringtobecomewebweb_sep_25_mri_mtgOn Sunday September 25, 2016 all were invited to a FULL PARISH gathering to review and discuss the latest preliminary renderings for what could be possible as we consider our Church building and Worship space.   Click here to view the preliminary renderings of entrance, gathering space, Blessed Sacrament Chapel & Worship Space. presented at the September 25, 2016 gathering.
+Click for minutes/report an the Sept 25 Whole Parish Gathering
Click for participants comments, critique, suggestions at Sept 25 2016 Full Parish Gathering

As suggested and recommended at the September 25 gathering, ON THE SUNDAYS OF NOVEMBER 2016 our worship space will be “set up” in accord with a proposed imagined model as shown in the above “link, OR CLICK here to see the latest bulletin article showing the proposed renderings.
Click for BULLETIN Invitation to January 2017 Meeting and Agenda
Card_re_Jan_21_22_parish_gatheringCLICK HERE to view the January 2017 slide presentation at this full parish gathering:  The AGENDA for the gathering; Remembering the November 2016 worship space experiment and the proposals for outside entrance and gathering space.  PHOTOS of the November “experiment;” COMMENTS from parishioners at the gathering; and Photos of the Building exterior needs.

StatPlanMtgLogoWebStrategic Planning Team – Click for MembersSeptember 17 2015 – Strategic Planning Team Meeting 1: Agenda & Minutes+
October 15 2015 – Strategic Planning Team Meeting 2:  Agenda & Minutes+
November 19 2015 – Strategic Planning Team Meeting 3:  Agenda & Minutes+
January 14 2016 – Strategic Planning Team  Meeting 4: AGENDA

MINUTES January 14 2016 Meeting+
February 11 2016 – Strategic Planning Team Meeting 5 AGENDA
MINUTES February 11 2016 Meeting

March 3 2016 – Strategic Planning Team Meeting 6 AGENDA
MINUTES March 3 2016 Meeting+
April 11 2016-Strategic Planning Team Meeting 7 AGENDA
MINUTES April 11 2016 meeting
May 5 2016 UPDATE Memo to Planning Team
May 11, 2016:  Fr. Ed and S. Mary Jo meet with Carl Posowitz in preparation for next Strategic Planning Team meeting with him
May 19, 2016  Fr. Ed and Sr. Mary Jo meet with Carl to prepare for Strategic Planning Team Meeting.
May 23 2016 Strategic Planning Team Meeting 8 AGENDA
MINUTES May 23 2016 Meeting.
June 8, 2016-Strategic Planning Team Meeting 9 AGENDA+
MINUTES June 8, 2016 Meeting
Thursday, June 16, Fr. Hislop & Sr. Mary Jo meet with Carl Posowitz regarding June 8 meeting reflections.

Thursday, June 16, 2016 Follow-up meeting with Carl Posowitz
Tuesday, July 5, 2016 Follow-up meeting with Carl Posowitz
Monday, August 22, 2016, Meeting with Carl Posowitz to prepare for Strategic Planning Team Meeting.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016.  Follow-up meeting with Carl Posowitz to review preliminary design for Worship Space in preparation for Strategic Planning Team Meeting.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016Strategic Planning Team Meeting with Carl Posowitz:  Beginning preparation for Full Parish Gathering on September 25, 2016.
December 5 2016 Meeting with Carl Posowitz
January 5, 2017 Strategic Planning Team Meeting (Minutes to be published soon)
MINUTES January 24 2017 Strategic Planning Team Meeting

Friday, February 3 2017 Meeting with Carl Posowitz reviewing input from January full parish meeting.
Friday, February 17, 2017 Meeting with Carl Posowitz reviewing his response to input from full parish meeting.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Strategic Planning Team Meeting.  Reviewed revised plan for worship space based on input received at Full Parish Gathering on January 21/22, 2017.  Preparing for “next Phase” of planning process.
Friday, March 3, 2017:  Fr. Hislop and Sr. Mary Jo Quinn meet with Carl Posowitz to review new renderings based on input received from January 2017 Full Parish Meeting  and additional comments/concerns from Strategic Planning Team.

STRATEGIC PLANNING TEAM MET ON TUESDAY MARCH 7, 2017: Reviewed architects revised renderings based on parishioner input and to prepare for next FULL PARISH meeting on SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 2017 FOLLOWING 10AM MASS.

Friday, March 17 2017;  Fr. Ed and Sr. Mary Jo met with architect to begin planning for the full parish March 26 2017 gathering.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017: Strategic Planning Team met to make final preparations for the full parish meeting on March 26 2017

GatheringSpaceRevised_3-17Click here to view the PowerPoint Presentation at the March 26 2017 FULL PARISH GATHERING=This includes an OVERVIEW of the process thus far and REVISED renderings based on the input received at the January 2017 Full Parish Meeting

Monday April 24 2017 Strategic Planning Team Meeting Minutes.  These minutes contain the input received from parishioners at the March 26, 2017 full parish gathering.

Following the April 24 2017 Team Meeting, at the recommendation of the Full Parish Meeting, Fr. Ed authorized our architect to secure cost estimates for the project as proposed and accepted at the March 26 2017 parish gathering.  The hope was that these estimates would be received before the end of May 2017.  Due to the unexpected high volume of construction in Missoula these estimates could not be accomplished until September 2017.  Shane Kesterke, at the recommendation of Carl Posowitz and approval of Fr. Ed and the Strategic Planning Team, was contracted to provided the estimates.  The Strategic Planning Team and the Parish Finance Council reviewed these estimates and determined that the “estimates” are reasonable.  This information will be presented to the full parish at the “Full Parish Gathering” on January 28, 2018Due to the busy schedules of the Fall  and Advent and Christmas at the parish, diocese, it was determined in September to delay the full parish meeting until after Christmas.

November 16, 2017 Strategic Planning Team Meeting AGENDA

January 7 2018 BULLETIN announcement/Agenda for January 28 FULL PARISH GATHERING following 10 Sunday Mass

NOTES from the January 28 2018 FULL PARISH GATHERING

Click here for DIOCESE OF HELENA LIVING-STONES-Pastoral Plan for the Missoula-Deanery including BLESSED TRINITY.

Click here for the complete 2014 Living Stones Pastoral Plan for each of the Deaneries in the Diocese of Helena


Prayer of the Dedication of a Church from the Rite of Dedication

Can the Worship Environment be Anything less Than a Vehicle to Meet the Lord?


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