Ministry among the Sick and Homebound

Pastoral Care of the SICK
A ministry of care and presence seeking to provide a bond of COMPASSION

The concern that Christ showed for the bodily and spiritual welfare of those who are ill is continued by the Church in its ministry to the sick.
This ministry is the common responsibility of all Christians, who should visit the sick, remember them in prayer, and celebrate the sacraments with them…. Through words of encouragement and faith they can help the sick to unite themselves with the sufferings of Christ for the good of God’s people. Pastoral Care of the Sick #43

Blessed Trinity + Spirit of Christ has over 30 trained and prepared Ministers for the Sick.  All ministers have participated in the Diocese of Helena VIRTUS training program for the safety and protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults.  Ministers serve the sick, homebound and hospitalized in pairs or couples, i.e. Ministers do not engage in pastoral ministry among the sick as individuals but only with partners.

HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND OR HOSPITALIZED is provided on a weekly basis.  If you are unable to participate in Sunday Mass and would like Holy Communion, please call the parish office (721-2405) and speak with PAT LOGAN, Pastoral Care coordinator.

Pastoral Visit and HOLY COMMUNION is provided REGULARLY by Blessed Trinity at COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, however you MUST call the parish office and speak with PAT LOGAN for communion at Community Hospital. REMEMBER to “request a pastoral visit” when being checked in at the Hospital, or contact the Spiritual Care Department at Community Hospital.  PLEASE REMEMBER:  The parish does NOT have access to parish lists and may only visit hospitalized parishioners if the patient specifically requests the visit through the Hospital Spiritual Care Department or by a direct phone call to the parish.

IF YOU ANTICIPATE HOSPITALIZATION OR SURGERY, you are invited to celebrate the SACRAMENT OF THE SICK prior to your admittance to the hospital.  The sacrament is usually celebrated following the weekend Masses in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel OR during the celebration of Sunday or weekday Mass.  Please contact the parish office to schedule the Sacrament.  The sacrament may also be celebrated on any weekend following Mass without prior scheduling.  Speak with Pat Logan, Pastoral Care Coordinator, or any member of the Staff before Mass begins.

REALIZED THROUGH THE CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS: Anointing and Holy Communion for the sick, Viaticum for the dying and the prayer of the church for the dead. Through the caring ministry of our community the funeral rites of the church are celebrated with reverence and dignity and bereaved families and friends are supported in word and deed.

VISIT THE BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL at Blessed Trinity or Spirit of Christ and pray for the sick and dying.

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