To be the hands, feet, eyes, voice and heart of CHRIST!
The Sunday Eucharist sends us, nurtured and nourished, into the lives of people to speak to them a word of hope, a vision that will “rouse” them and a love strong enough to stand with them, especially the lost and forsaken, those pushed to the sidelines of society, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the unborn and the born, the dying and abused. The Eucharist sends us to live in the real world, not to condemn it but to love it and with Christ to help save it! Homily, 14C, August 1, 2010, Fr. Ed Hislop
“To be in Church isn’t to be calmed down, as some people say they get when they are at Mass. I’m worked up. I’m excited by being so close to Jesus, but the closer I get, the more I worry about what He wants of us, what He would have us do before we die.” Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker Movement
When we gather as Catholics to worship, we gather around a table to celebrate the Eucharist. It is Christ’s sacrificial meal that nourishes us so that we can go forth to live the Gospel as His disciples. Too often, the call of the Gospel and the social implications of the Eucharist are ignored or neglected in our daily lives. As Catholics, we can no longer tolerate the moral scandal of poverty in our land and so much hunger and deprivation in our world.” United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, “A Place at the Table,” 2004
Let your Church be a living witness to truth and freedom, to justice and peace, that all people may be lifted up by the hope of a world made new.” Eucharistic Prayer for Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, IV, Jesus the Compassion of God
The Parish Outreach Team meets once a month to manage, advise and energize the many areas of concern in which members of Blessed Trinity and Spirit of Christ are involved. For more information contact the parish office. Imagine where you can give your gifts in service.
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There is one other point which I would like to emphasize, since it significantly affects the authenticity of our communal sharing in the Eucharist. It is the impulse which the Eucharist gives to the community for a practical commitment to building a more just and fraternal society. In the Eucharist our God has shown love in the extreme, overturning all those criteria of power which too often govern human relations and radically affirming the criterion of service: “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all“ (Mark 9:35). It is not by chance that the Gospel of John contains no account of the institution of the Eucharist, but instead relates the Washing of feet” (cf. Jn 13: 1-20): by bending down to wash the feet of his disciples, Jesus explains the meaning of the Eucharist unequivocally. Pope John Paul II, Mane Nobiscum Domine, Apostolic Letter for the Eucharistic Year, #28