The Rite of Christian Initation for Adults (RCIA) is designed for men and women who wish to explore the possibility of becoming full members of the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism (if not already Baptized), Confirmation and 1st Eucharist. Participants embark on a journey that leads to change and conversion. This growth and change takes place within the community of the faithful. The entire parish community journeys with the catechumens, through example, support and prayer, as they explore and learn more about their faith. One catechumen described the journey in this way. “The first thing I learned was that I wasn’t alone in my questions and searching. I met good people who besides sharing questions helped each other find new meaning and purpose to life and religion. The catechumenate was great, not because it gave me something I didn’t have, but because it helped me find the God who was with me all along and helped me respond more fully.”
For more Point to the SACRAMENTS tab above and then point to the Baptism of Infants, Children and Adults Tab and then Click on the CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS tab.