Liturgical Schedule

Sunday Eucharist

The font and summit of our faith and our life!

The faith communities of Blessed Trinity
and Spirit of Christ Mission

gather to celebrate the Sunday Lord’s Supper
at 5:00 pm on Saturday at Blessed Trinity;

On SUNDAY morning,
8:00 am
at Spirit of Christ Mission Lolo;
at 10:00 am at Blessed Trinity.


Click for the
2024 Summertime weekday Mass Schedule

Autumn, Winter, Spring Schedule:
Wednesday and Thursday,
12:10 pm.


(2815 Old Fort Missoula Road): 
Mass is celebrated on the FOURTH Friday of each month
at 10 am.

FEAST DAY MASSES as announced. HOLY DAYS, as announced.  (Refer to parish CALENDAR or the BULLETIN.)

HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND OR HOSPITALIZED is provided on a weekly basis.  If you are unable to participate in Sunday Mass and would like Holy Communion, please call the parish office (721-2405).

Pastoral Visit and HOLY COMMUNION is provided daily at COMMUNITY HOSPITAL.  Please call the parish office for communion at Community Hospital. REMEMBER to “request a pastoral visit” when being checked in at the Hospital. REMEMBER:  The parish does NOT have access to patient lists–so you must contact the parish directly or request a visit through the Hospital Spiritual Care Department
 Sacrament of the Sick and Communion can be provided, WITH SPECIFIC PERMISSION FROM HOSPITAL STAFF.  Patient or family member must call the parish office or request that the Community Hospital Pastoral care contact Fr. Hislop.  DO NOT HESITATE TO MAKE THIS REQUEST.

SAINT PATRICK HOSPITAL DOES PERMIT PASTORAL VISITS.  If you are hospitalized there please contact Fr. Ed OR contact the St. Patrick’s Spiritual Care Department.

THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE/Reconciliation, every Saturday (except Holy Saturday) at 4:00 pm. Celebrated in the Reconciliation Chapel located in the main worship space.  Click on the SACRAMENTS tab above, and then on Reconciliation, for further information and preparation guide.  

LITURGY OF HOURS (Morning and Evening Prayer), as scheduled.

Click HERE to go directly to the LITURGY OF HOURS page (where you can find the complete Liturgy of Hours for each day)


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