CATHOLICS live their life of faith and service in a particular parish community.  It is in the parish that Catholics express their unity with the Bishop and the Universal Church.  It is within the local faith community, dynamically at one with the whole Church, that the baptismal promise to believe, belong and serve is nurtured, nourished and lived.  The parish is the center piece of Catholic life intimately connected to the Diocesan Church. It is through the “full, conscious and active participation” in the life, worship and ministry of their parish that Catholics build their homes and their families into “households of faith.”  Pope John Paul II has described the parish in this way:  “Parish means Christ’s presence among people.  Parish means a set of persons, a community in which and with which Jesus Christ reconfirms the presence of God.  The parish is a living part of the people of God.  It is through the parish as the presence of Christ that we are directed towards good in order to lead lives worthy of human beings…in order that the fundamental requirements of social justice may be respected, and in order that real culture may be developed beginning with the culture of everyday life.”

IF YOU ARE SEEKING A PARISH HOME, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE! Please contact any member of the Parish Staff or Pastoral Council regarding any information about Blessed Trinity/Spirit of Christ.   Call or visit any staff or council person after Sunday Mass.  If you would like to make an appointment with Father Ed or any staff person you are welcome to call.  You are always welcome at any parish gathering or event.  We want to help make this your parish home. 

 Click here for the PARISH REGISTRATION FORM. 

Please mail the completed form to the parish office (1475 Eaton Street, Missoula, MT 59801); place it in the Sunday collection or bring it to the parish office.  THANK YOU and WELCOME!

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